(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Deering Bay is in Hot Demand … Second Closed Sale in 2 Months

May 25, 2016

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

FullSizeRenderBuyers have been hovering (for quite some time now) in Deering Bay (mulling over the plethora of options available for purchase).  There are currently 23 listed for sale, and no two units are the same.

Deering Bay  … This is an impeccably manicured & well-maintained  golf, tennis and yacht club/resort in Coral Gables … with a guard gate, security & clubhouse.

No two condo buildings are the same…  nor are any of the individual units identical to one another.  So matching the right buyer with a ready seller boils down to selecting, exploring and showing the top listings.FullSizeRender (1)

This upscale, gated community in Miami has seen  a significant upswing in recent sales as well as an increase in new listings.  Deering Bay is in hot demand!   Baby boomers downsizing …  Homeowners wanting to travel more and worry less about the upkeep and maintenance of their sprawling Pinecrest homes … Golfers … Yachting enthusiasts … And those wanting a vacation resort atmosphere …

We just closed on another gorgeous unit in Deering (after showing a dozen or more condos over a period of two months):  13641 Deering Bay Drive – Unit 138.  It sold for $1,164,000…. exquisitely updated and move in ready … 3 bedrooms.   This is our second sale in Deering Bay in the past 2 months.  Congratulations to our buyer, who got a spectacular condo!

FullSizeRender (2)If you are considering Deering Bay  …  either to live there or  perhaps to relocate elsewhere … we can help.  The Restivo Hechtman Team at EWM Realty International.  Call us!   Vicki (305) 793-1365  &  Alexandra (305) 632-0164  RestivoMiami@gmail.com

Buying or Selling in Deering Bay …  The Restivo Hechtman Team.

Currently there are 23 listings in Deering Bay  ..  asking $950,000 to $2,900,000.

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