(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Christie’s names 3 top cities attracting globally affluent buyers

February 4, 2014

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Miami – along with New York and London – are “three of the most vibrant world cities currently attracting the globally affluent buyer”  according to Bonnie Stone Sellers, CEO of Christie’s International Real Estate, in Christie’s annual research report Luxury Defined.

As the exclusive affiliates of Christie’s in Miami,  EWM Realty International will be pleased to provide you with market insights, and expertise whether you are buying or selling.

“Buyers continue to view London, New York and Miami as strong markets to invest in and great places to live.  All three cities are unusual in offering what luxury buyers are looking for: economic stability, ease of doing business, transportation options, cultural and lifestyle services, and attractions that make them desirable places to buy homes.”

If you are considering buying a home or condo in Miami, we at the Restivo-Hechtman Group at EWM Realty International will be pleased to work with you.   305 793-1365  RestivoMiami@gmail.com





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