(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com
Who Is Buying In Florida?

Who Is Buying In Florida?

Relationships are essential. The2020 Profile of International Residential Real Estate Activity in Florida presents information from Florida REALTORS® members regarding residential transactions with international clients closed during the 12-month period of August...
History Of The Key Biscayne Lighthouse

History Of The Key Biscayne Lighthouse

In July of 1824, the United States Congress contracted Samuel B. Lincoln of Boston to build the lighthouse at the tip of Key Biscayne. With his plans and materials in hand, Lincoln set sail the following month but never arrived. It was assumed his ship sank and left...
Brickell Market Stats: 2021

Brickell Market Stats: 2021

Since one year ago, the number of active listings is down 3.4% while the sold properties are up 14.4%. The pended are up 51.1%. When the PENDED LISTINGS indicator is rising, our market is in recovery. Contracts have been written and are anticipated to close. Average...
Vicki In The News: Facebook Live Virtual Open House

Vicki In The News: Facebook Live Virtual Open House

There is nothing more flattering than to be showcased in our local newspaper.  2020 has allowed Alexandra and I to really get creative when it comes to showcasing our beautiful listings.  This caught the eye of a local reporter. This also caught the eye of potential...

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