(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Advice for Home Sellers: Two opportunities to grab a buyer!

November 15, 2011

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

How does a BUYER choose  YOUR PROPERTY?  How do they decide YOURS  is  right   for them?

It can happen in the  blink of an eye… in literally seconds …  

Your first opportunity to make a sale is online … with your photos and marketing…. so make the photos captivating .  Keep them scrolling through your listing rather clicking to another property.

Your second opportunity is  the when your potential BUYER  sees or actually enters the property.

IF your place has anything in the way of a view:   Whether it’s those online photos, or that fist impact as the buyer initially steps foot inside   …  capitalize on the view … DON’T HAVE THEM WALK INTO A BLOCKED VIEW!   

Choose photos that will entice  buyers  to linger on online (on YOUR listings) for long enough to ‘get interested’.   (Blurry shots and dark or miniscule photos  deter buyers – and  buyer’s agents!)

I showed a slew of  luxury ocean-front condos on Miami Beach to buyers this past weekend.  And  the #1 resounding mistake  I noted were just how many were ‘caves’ … with blinds that were closed tight … and lights that were off … and shutters that were sealed tight.   

If your prime selling point is the view, keeping the drapes closed or the windows shuttered is a mistake!  If there’s a water view, that’s worth showing off!   Most people looking for waterfront property want to see the view  …  

Open the blinds or drapes … Capitalize on that  fist impact.  Your home can literally sell itself within seconds of the  buyer stepping foot inside … if not sooner.  

If you’re thinking of buying or selling  propery in Miami (or anywhere else!), the Restivo Team would love to work with you (and/or recommend a really top local agent in the area you’re moving to).    Contact Alexandra or Vicki at 305 793-1363 or at restivo.v@ewm.com – anytime.  We’d love to work with you !  Look forward to helping you buy, sell, or lease  … and making your next move the best one!

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