(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

What You Need to Know About Title Insurance (Search-Defect-Examination)

September 30, 2011

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

What do you need to know about Title Insurance? 

Title Search:   A title search is a review of all publically-recorded transactions, with the goal of uncovering anything whatsoever that  could possibly affect “title” of  the property in question… and the sale of that property.

Title Defects:  Any title issue (whether a lien/encroachment/question of ownership/code enforcement issue/improperly executed or recorded  mortgage or deed/ unpaid taxes …) which might render a property unsaleable.

Title Insurance:  This is the insurance policy that protects the buyer should any title defects surface later on  … after closing … (that may have been overlooked or missed in the initial title search).  Title insurance covers legal fees and or damages or  monetary repercussions  …  and protects the buyer.

Owner’s Policy:  This will cover the buyer (for up to the purchase price) … for as long as the buyer owns that property.

Looking for a top real estate agent in South Florida?   Alexandra and Vicki Restivo  of EWM Realtors work with both buyers and sellers throughout Miami.  Call 305 793-1365 or email the Restivo Team at  restivo.v@ewm.com whenever you’re ready to buy or sell.


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