(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

University of Miami: NEW FACULTY WELCOME at Smathers Four Fillies Farm

September 14, 2009

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

DSC_0122UM warmly welcomed new faculty to the University, hosting a lavish picnic at Smathers Four Fillies Farm before the fall semester began.  A handful of  Breakstone-built Homes  at Four Fillies still available for purchase or lease were OPEN …to both guests and passers-by.  The 32 acre gated community is located between Red Road and Old Cutler, in the Village of Pinecrest (hence witnin Pinecrest’s outstanding school system!). DSC_0081 The 22 acres of grounds  within Four Fillies Farm is, and will remain, open land, not to be built upon… Some of it  consists of protected hammocks and unspoiled acreage,  paths and walking trails. Much of it  is manicured and exquisitely maintained acreage … under the expertise of Fairchild  Botanic  Tropical Gardens. DSC_0118 The 30  homes (including the last to be built, which will be home to the University of Miami’s President)  are deed restricted to UM faculty … under an umbrella that includes not only  full-time professors, but medical research ( through Jackson Memorial Hospital) and  adjunct and part-time faculty as well.   The University extends a guaranteed buy-back program to  residents of Four Fillies.  If you have an interest in Four Fillies, call or drop us an email.  We will  respond to your questions and arrange a private viewing of the grounds and available homes. restivo.v@ewm.com  305-793-1365 Vicki Restivo, EWM Realtors, Inc.   SMATHERS FOUR FILLIES  FARM 11511 Red Road, Pinecrest, Florida. (From $1,100,000.00)

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