(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Turning Miami into a True Worldclass City

June 16, 2011

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M


The Beacon Council wants to take this opportunity to give you a sense of the project we are about to embark on – One Community One Goal (OCOG), supported by Wells Fargo, The Knight Foundation, The Beacon Council Foundation, and a host of sponsors. OCOG will enable us to keep our competitive edge by providing a “business roadmap” for Miami-Dade County and we need your participation by completing the IMPORTANT SURVEY below.

The vision and foundation of OCOG has always been the support of education and a trained workforce – requirements of any successful business, while identifying and prioritizing the industries which would yield the highest potential for creating new jobs and growth for our community. The end goal of the initiative is to competitively position Miami-Dade County in the current and future global economy.

This is a project that will benefit all of us who have a business in Miami-Dade, and are members of this community. There is an OCOG survey link below that will be an integral part of the project and your participation is needed today.The results of the project will be far reaching and will set the foundation for our business community.

Thank you to our One Community One Goal project sponsors: Wells Fargo, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Flagler Development, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Downtown Development Authority, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, Dossal, The Beacon Council, The Beacon Council Foundation, and World Trade Center, & The Miami Foundation.

All residents and employees in Miami-Dade County are invited to fill out this  One Community One Goal Survey  in order to the Beacon Council and the consulting team identify Miami-Dade County’s top strengths and most pressing economic issues.  Please make a difference in your community by participating in the targeted industry study below. It only takes a few minutes.

English Survey

Spanish Survey

For more information about One Community One Goal, visit www.onecommunityonegoal.com. The final results of this survey will be aggregated and accessible on that website. All responses will be kept in strict confidentiality and viewed only by the consulting team.

The deadline for completing the survey is August 1, 2011. Please encourage your friends, family and colleagues to participate!”

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