(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Truckloads of Big Christmas Trees – Miami – Our Tree is LOST in there somewhere

November 28, 2009

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M


Christmas trees sell out fast in Miami… especially the really big ones.  The Boys and Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, as of this writing, has a nice array of trees … in all sizes…. having gotten a shipment of 11-12 footers just this morning.  “Ours” is supposedly somewhere in the middle of them… waiting… and lost…

Christmas Trees 

After precariously attempting to set a seven-and-a-half -foot tree on top of a table (years ago… when we first moved into a house that had high living room ceilings… and I shopped late and couldn’t find a bigger one) my family insists on buying our trees right after Thanksgiving.   Adding  three to four feet to a tree is easier if you just buy it that way. 

The Boys and Girls Club of Miami-Dade at 2805 SW 32 Avenue (at the corner of US1)  got in a shipment of beautiful fresh 11-12 foot trees this morning.   

We’ve got our doors and windows wide open, enjoying the weather… waiting for “OUR tree”… which is lost.   The ‘wrong’ tree was just delivered, schlepped into the house, and set up…. It’s now on it’s way back to the Christmas tree lot.   Even in the back of the truck it looked different from the one we’d picked.  Once it was inside the house there was no question:  Right stand… wrong tree… wrong name. 

How you remember ‘your’ tree,  I’m not sure …  but that one was not ours.   It was tagged for another family … and marked for delivery tomorrow.   (Two families would have been sad!).  Those trees are heavy …    and the delivery guys, I must say, were quite gentlemenly… good natured about the added schlepping.   So, while we’re waiting for “ours” to be found… and  re-delivered… we’re  enjoying having  the doors and windows open…  and crossing our fingers that ‘ours’ didn’t end up in someone else’s house.  Happy Holidays … from our family to you and your family and loved ones!

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