(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Time to Buy Real Estate in Florida … or Not ?

March 19, 2012

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Is this really the time to buy real estate in Florida?    Have we hit bottom and leveled out?

Steve Harney, in his Keeping Current Matters, seems to think so.  

Speaking to Realtors at EWM Realtors International in Downtown Miami last month,  Harney projected that real estate pricing would remain relatively flat in Miami in 2012.   But he added  ‘If you don’t buy today, you will likely regret it – big time – five years down the road.’

And he further indicated that with Miami real estate pricing being at the same level as it was back in 2002, now, but with interest rates having fallen from 6.11% to under 3.87%  the cost was actually lower (with cost and price being two entirely different animals).

Sales are up …  Prices will follow suit.  

Looking to buy?   Please call us!  We would love to work with you.  The Restivo Team 305 793-1365  … experienced real estate experts … mother-daughter team … specializing in South Florida.   The real estate market in Miami is stable … making this a good time to buy real estate here in Miami.  While other areas are still struggling,  Miami has turned the corner, and is a prime investment spot. 

We will continue to keep you current on real estate trends and opportunities, through our real estate blog MiamiRealEstateCafe.Com, and invite you to subscribe if you’d like to receive new articles as they’re published.

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