The tiny house movement ….which is defined as real estate consisting of 600 square feet or less of living space… is trending. HGTV is currently airing shows dedicated to the Tiny House Movement. “Tiny House Hunters”.
I got a kick out of seeing THIS, just up the street from my house in North Pinecrest earlier today. I wonder what one would spend to buy it … and what it would be like to live inside those four walls.
With all the massive ground breaking developments popping up all over Miami, and record numbers of mega mansions under construction in Pinecrest…. there are people intrigued with the idea of “doing with less”. But how many of us could really do with this much less, I don’t know.
As I followed this tiny house down the road, my first thought was … “I could live there.” In theory, the idea intrigues me … that minimalistic concept of owning a cottage or cabin. It will be interesting to see whether the tiny house movement can or does take hold in Miami.
This house on wheels had solar panels … and other than that I have no clue as to what else it did or didn’t have … or even where it was headed… but I was unquestionably amused, and am still smiling.
And to top it off, the first person I showed this picture to said “Oh, I need to move there!”
Whatever you real estate needs, Alexandra and I would be pleased to work with you … The Restivo Hechtman Team at EWM Realty International. Contact us anytime !
www. – Our Miami Real Estate Blog and Website
Alexandra Hechtman 305 632-0164 and Vicki Restivo 304 793-1365