Tired of being charged everytime you make a call to “411”? There’s a neat tool…Google Text, and it’s really simple. Simply send a text message to “466-453” (GOOGLE) and it will give you the information instantly! Say you want the number to the sunglass shop in Coral Gables: in the body of your text, type in (for example) “Italian Eyewear, Miami Fl” and send it to “466-453.” Within seconds, you will get the results for that listing, telling you the address and the phone number! This is a GREAT tool, one which I use often and think you will get hooked too!
For your real estate needs, there is also a wonderful tool which EWM has created. EWM Text is the same sort of idea. You text “EWM” to “59559” and it will give you the homes for sale in your vicinity!
For any of your real estate needs, the Restivo Team is here to help. Give us a call or send us a note…we always have room for a few more good clients!