(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Last day to file for Homestead Exemption

Apply For Your Miami Dade Homestead Exemption …  Online If you bought property in 2016, you have up through March 1, 2017 to apply for your Homestead Exemption. The benefits of applying for Homestead Exemption are: 1) It will cap (limit) property tax increases on your...

Time to file for Homestead Exemption

If you moved within the last year, don’t forget to file for your Homestead Exemption.To qualify, you must be a US Citizen or Legal Resident, you must own the home and it must be your primary residence. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2017 – don’t...

The Benefits of Owning a Home

Buying a home is the biggest purchase most of us will make, but it’s definitely worth it. The biggest reason is the appreciation of the home. The value of the vast majority of homes will appreciate over time. The appreciation builds home equity (the difference...

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