(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Tag Sale Experts … in South Florida

March 9, 2012

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Clients periodically ask us to recommend service providers … anything  moving related … roofers, plumbers, contractors, movers, cleaning services, lawn care, interior decorators, staging, title and closing companies, real estate attorneys, schools, dry cleaners, caterers….  And we are happy to make recommendations.  We have a long list of reliable people…

Recently two of our sellers asked us to recommend someone who might help do a tag sale and clear out a house:     

Bobby & Betty …  They don’t advertise their services …  They handle  liquidations … the sale of personal items in estates and private homes.

They’ll go in, empty drawers and cabinets,  go through papers, categorize, organize,  tag,  price & arrange everything for sale.   They normally advertise their weekend tag sale only in the  Miami Herald (but occassionally on Craigslist too, depending on the area), and then hold a two day weekend tag sale. 

They keep 30% of what they collect from the tag sale … The two women work in Miami-Dade (primarily in the Gables, Pinecrest, and Palmetto Bay) and can be reached at 305 / 665–1949 (Coral Gables) and 305 / 667-3384 (Pinecrest)

Anything unsold, at the end of the two-day sale, they’ll have removed.

This weekend,  March 10 and 11 they are holding a tag sale at 16 Phoenetia in Coral Gables…

We appreciate you reading our blog,  buying and selling  property through us, and referring us to your friends and family.  We love selling real estate, and look forward to helping you with your next move!  Alexandra and Vicki Restivo  EWM Realtors  305 793-1365  restivo.v@ewm.com

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