(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Restivo Team – Miami Realtors

December 10, 2010

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

We appreciate the opportunity to  market and sell a diverse section of homes all across Miami.  Despite the “doom and gloom real estate woes” that continue to be plastered across the news media,  we have seen a definite upswing in real estate sales this year.  

Vicki and Alexandra Restivo are pleased to report, “The number of offers we are getting and the transactions we’ve already closed in 2010 are up… and we have over double the number of closed sales this year than in 2009.” 

2010 is buyer’s market. 2011 will be a buyers market as well. Typical as it is with the fall season, the fourth quarter of 2010  has already shown an increase in the number of home-sales.   The serious buyers seem to outnumber the tire kickers and nay-sayers (who were out in droves this summer).  Offers to buy single-family homes and condos are both up. That’s encouraging, especially with the unfortunate barrage of negative press out there about real estate in general … nationally and globally! 

“As active real estate agents in Miami, we look forward to helping you buy, sell or invest…  so that you can move on … to whatever is next!”   

With closed transactions and dollar volume over double that of last year ALEXANDRA  and VICKI RESTIVO are consistently among EWM’s top producing agents.  And company-wide, EWM’s numbers have surpassed the closed sales of our competitors, and even more so in the luxury home market.

We hope our website and blog MiamiRealEstateCafe  provides you with the answers you need!  As you have questions, please, just ask.  We are here for you, anytime.   Alexandra and Vicki  hope you’ll choose the Restivo Team for all your real estate needs.  “When you buy or sell through us, we will always be there for you  … and we will be there for you after closing! ” We are passionate about what we do, and we put enormous effort into marketing and advertising our  property globally. 

With the number of buyers looking to the internet  to find property, our global marketing efforts connect buyers and sellers… which is our passion… and one of the reasons for our success. Having the right Realtor makes all the difference.   We look forward to hearing from you!

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