(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Receive your Property Tax Notice?

August 31, 2009

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Source: Restivo|MiamiRealEstateCafe  Pleased with your Property Tax Notice?   (If so, skip this entirely!)  If not,  (and you live in Miami) you can  file an appeal to protest your proposed property tax.  property-tax-good-griefGenerally it should be done within about 25 days of when you receive your Truth in Millage notice (mailed to you at the end of August). 

You can also attend budget meetings of the city and county commission.  Voice your opinions!  

Guest contributor, Robert Burr, of GreatGables.com  airs his views below.

Or click here for Tom Dixon’s tax assessment appeals process outline:  Read on …



 Guest contributor Robert Burr (www.GREATGABLES.com):  

Did You Receive Your Property Tax Notice?
If you’re happy with what you read, delete this message now. If not, read on to learn more about what citizens can do to affect change.

We’re in a mess of financial woes. I’ve got my eye on the problems in Coral Gables and I want to tell you how I see it at this critical time.

Robs Eye On Coral GablesOur commissioners have budgeted a millage rate increase of 18.9% for services in Coral Gables. You see that on your property tax notice. It’s alarming given the current financial stress of tax payers.

Now they’ve also voted to pass ordinances allowing new fire rescue fees, on top of increased garbage fees. Who knows what other fees they have in mind for our future.

Who knows if the $50 a year fire rescue fee will be raised to $350 or $500 next year? Once that fee is established, it can be increased anytime by commissioners without our consent. Can we trust them?

These issues are of serious concern to us all, but there is much worse news.

The issues of Coral Gables’ severely underfunded pension system and tragically erroneous assumptions on revenues and payments will soon render these other issues moot.

Our perilous pension system could actually take Coral Gables into bankruptcy next year. All contracts and pensions would be nullified.

Severe lack of insight and inaccurate forecasting — and the firm belief that the future will always bring more revenue into the city — has created the perfect storm of failure, which cannot be abated by continually raising taxes and fees on these that can least afford these increases.

Poor leadership has made us all losers.

Now we’re told to trust these leaders to fix the mess they created. We’re advised to bite the bullet and pay more, without any indication that the core issues of the problem have been addressed.

The people we elected have let us down. And now, they’re going to force these increases down our throats in spite of our protests. We expect and deserve better in Coral Gables.

What can you do? Show your concern by coming to the Citizens Rally Against Tax Increases on Monday, August 31 at City Hall at 6pm.

If your schedule will not permit your attendance, please take a moment to share your opinion with our elected leaders.

email: commissioners@coralgables.com
city manager: psalerno@coralgables.com

Thanks for listening to my sincere concerns for our mutual welfare. I appreciate all your feedback. Thank you for being informed and involved.

Please come to the Citizens Rally Monday to learn more about how we can fight against these increases and to show your concern for our future. I know that together, we can make a difference in Coral Gables.

Pass this message along to friends that want to stay abreast of what’s happening in our city.

Robert Adams BurrRobert Burr
Coral Gables resident, taxpayer and voter

Citizen’s Rally Against Tax Increases
Monday, August 31, 2009
at 6:00pm

Location: Merrick Park
across from City Hall
405 Biltmore Way
Coral Gables, Florida 33134

A rally for citizens, taxpayers and voters urging the city leaders to reject raising the millage rate on property taxes, to reject increases in fees, and to reject new fees being established in the upcoming Coral Gables budget.

The media will be in attendance to cover this grass-roots movement against raising taxes.

Let’s send a clear message to city leaders and administration that the answer to our critical financial problems is not to continue raising our taxes, increasing fees and adding new fees – but to work harder to cut back on our bloated city government.

City Budget Hearings
please mark your calendar now
Important: be there to give your opinion on the raising of taxes and fees.1. Tuesday, September 8 at City Hall at 5pm. Taxpayers and voters are invited to share their opinions, comments and suggestions for the next city budget. If you don’t care to share your input, please don’t complain about the results.

2. Tuesday, September 22 at City Hall at 5pm. This will be the final opportunity for the public to share their feedback before the commission votes to increase taxes, increase fees and institute new fees on all residents and businesses. Please arrange your schedule to be part of this seminal event in the history of Coral Gables.

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