Not again! Pricing your house for sale at $763,247.00?
WHY? What did you have for breakfast ?
Who thought up that bit of nonsense? Who on earth suggested listing your home for a price NO ONE CAN REMEMBER? They should be hung out to dry! Seriously, what market segment were you afraid of “missing out” on?
While I can understand pricing a house at $799,000… I think that to is often a MISTAKE . Think about who you’re selling to. $799,000 is the TOP of a $750,000 to $800,000 search…. and $799,000 makes you invisible to anyone looking above $800,000. INSTEAD OF SLICING YOUR BUYER POOL IN HALF … DOUBLE IT. How? Priced at $800,000 you’re at the top of one search group ($750,000-$800,000) and at the bottom of another($800-850) … where you’ll be perceived as having MORE VALUE.
At $799,000 you’re the MOST EXPENSIVE HOME in one search , but you are INVISIBLE to someone looking above $800,000. Position yourself to take advantage of BOTH SEARCH GROUPS: The “perception of value” may well grab you a buyer wanting an $850,000 house… and who sees enormous “value” in yours.
The name of the game is maximizing your visibility.
So, getting back to that $724,542.00 listing price ( or was it $763,247.00 ?) … Who can remember? Not remembering ‘price’ diminishes value…. especially if your buyer ‘remembers’ a lower figure .
WHY confuse the heck out of everyone? I’m not a fan of the ‘dollar under’ theory… nor of “hard-to-remember-pricing”. Most buyers “search” for property’ in a range… clearly understanding that in the vast majority of home sales, there’s at least the potential for “some” negotiation. Keep it simple: The more visibility… the better.