(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

For Sale By OWNER: Overpricing your property is a prescription for disaster!

December 2, 2009

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

SouthBeach Paradise

If you are selling, and your house is priced above  other available properties in the area, yours will  very likely be used for comparison purposes.  Buyers will traipse through your house,  ogling and commenting… then opt  for the lower priced  ‘deal’ next door or down the street.  Having a barrage of onlookers gets old fast. The longer a property stays on the market, the  less interest and  less activity it generates.  The unfortunate result is that the home’s perceived value  drops … often to below market value… procuring a lower sales price than what you would have gotten,  if you had priced it “to sell”, right from the start!   

Do you really want to hear what potential buyers have to say about your house?  Can you listen objectively? How can you find the “real” buyers?  How do you distinguish between real buyers and those who are merely looking or are not in a position to buy?  Do you know your home’s  true value?

Selling on your own can be daunting as a  “FOR SALE BY OWNER” (FSBO).  Buyers should be pre-qualified before they visit your property… but that is not necessarily how it happens in real life… especially if you’re selling your house as THE OWNER  (FSBO) and without the help of a Realtor…. and all the more so  if the potential buyers are not already working with their own “buyer’s agent”.  

REAL buyers will be searching within the price range they can afford to buy, and will hopefully be pre-approved by a lender well before making any offers…   They should have their downpayment ready, and be poised to pounce on the ‘perfect house’ once they find it… and… again, they should have the loan process at least rudimentarily started, by already having been ‘qualified’.  

Hoping to save commission … by listing and showing it yourself?   With the help of a Realtor, you may well save more money in the long run, than you might by attempting to sell it on your own .    Need help?   Please send me a note here

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