(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com
July 12, 2010

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Celebrating 50 years of graduations, Palmetto High School has something to boast about. The Class of 2010 has many accomplishments to be proud of. In his commencement speech, Principal Howard Weiner was extremely proud to share the many accomplishments of the graduating class.

graduationThe class of 2010 produced 15 Silver Knight nominees, a Silver Knight winner and a Silver Knight Honorable mention. There were 4 National Merit Scholars, each of which scored in the top 2% nationally on their 11th grade PSAT. In addition, there were 2 Coca Cola Regional winners, 4 Ford Salute to Education recipients, 5 Pinecrest Rotary Winners, 5 Perrine/Cutler Ridge Rotary Scholars, 1 Metro PCS Award winner and one William Simon Award recipient.

Not only did the class excel in receiving awards, but 95% of the class is pursuing a post secondary education, 72% will be attending a 4 year college, 23% will be attending community colleges, 2% will attend Vocational/Technical schools. In addition, 2% will join the military and 1% will enter the workforce.

The 50th graduating glass received 365 scholarships which totaled more than $13 million. 26 student athletes are college bound and scholarship recipients. $4.3 million in Bright Futures Scholarships were given out. A total of $17 million in scholarships were offered to this class.

7431The class was accepted to 203 colleges and the graduates will be attending colleges in 38 states, while some students will study internationally in Italy, Chile, Holland, Argentina, Switzerland and Japan.

Not only did the class provide stellar academics, but they excelled in athletics as well. The Miami Hearld recognized the school, once again, as having the number 1 high school sports program in Miami-Dade County for the 09-10 school year. In addition, for the first time in 40 years, a public high school won the Boy’s Swimming championship…the winners were the boys of Palmetto’s swim team.

There were 3 students who did not miss one day of school in their 13 year education-2,340 consecutive days of attendance from K-12th grade!

What a class…Congratulations Class of 2010!

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