Well, sort of…
We arrived home early evening a couple weeks ago and found that one of our three dogs was missing (and had no collar on at the time). After a failed attempt at searching the neighborhood on our own, it was dark out and we were distraught, thinking our Sofia would not be found that night.
Our final attempt of the evening was making a call to the Pinecrest Police (non-emergency line) and asking if they happened upon a lost dog that fit her description. We were in luck…an officer picked up a dog and it might be her. At the station, the officer escorted us to an area in the garage that held a few cages, and our dog!
Turns out Sofia made it a block and a half from the house before she got tired and plopped herself down in a neighbors front yard. This neighbor called the Pinecrest Police who took her in. We are thankful to the neighbor- and the police -for taking care of her.
Hopefully your pet stays safe and sound at home, but if they do happen to escape, call the Pinecrest Police at 305-234-2100. They certainly helped bring Sofia home and we couldn’t be more thankful.