(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

My “clipboard people” …. Analytical – NOT Impulse Buyers!

March 24, 2010

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Computer - Cartoon happy guyMr. & Mrs. D.C. will FOREVER be  my “clipboard people”. They were anything BUT impulsive home buyers!  They were analytical and precise and meticulous… to the very last  detail… I’ll bet they are remembered and recognized by at least a dozen Gables Realtors (and feared by at least two of them!).

Together we just bought their dream home… and they taught me plenty along the way.   They will always be known (to me) as ‘my clipboard people’,  with their detailed precision… that shed new light on HOW (even I)  look at houses .  Yes…  I borrowed their ideas…  for “upcoing”  buyers.

Famous now in Coral Gables and the Grove, Mr. D.C.’s family noted everything … important or not… from the moment they stepped foot in each home …. Each of the six members of the family had their own clipboard… and pre-designed  forms. 

Mr and Mrs D.C. were not  impulse buyers… They were not swooned by staging, fresh paint,  candles or yummy scents. They were utterly determined to find the best value …VALUE  to be decided by mutual consensus. Before even venturing out to do a ‘foot search’ we did a very thorough analysis online together. We eliminated everything BUT the cream of the crop (adhering carefully to their wants,needs and price point).

Many (I’ll venture to say “MOST!”) home purchasers are impulse buyers …  who buy on an emotional level.  Many fall in love at the doorstep, and have all but decided “This is the house for me!”  before they even step  foot inside. ( I’ve had more buyers than I can count buy on impulse… and I admit, I myself have bought like that!)   Not these buyers though

They analyzed every home, ranking and rating and measuring.  I ran comps for them… but not JUST comps… I ran comps and comparisons for each neighborhood, each street, and every property within a two block stretch of any potential subject purchase.

My “clipboard people” signed…  got their keys…  and just moved into what will be their dream home… They bought a HOME , not just a HOUSE.  It all boiled down to facts and figures and detailed analysis … but they bought a home…  a stunningly beautiful home.

Don’t get me wrong… Their’s  was a very, very ,very wise investment… in lifestyle, priorities, and house itself.  It started with the clipboards, and well-thought-out charts and diagrams and plans… They compared and contrasted each of the dozen properties we’d  narrowed our search to “on paper” ….  My buyers evaluated every aspect from their own perspectives, comparing and sharing  and thoughts and insights with each other at the end of each day. 

Parents (and grown children), each had their own clipboard in hand,and each scribbled diligently as we previewed the homes for sale… rating each and every aspect as  they perused, independently: curb appeal, ceiling height, initial impact  and “wow” factor upon entering the door, ease of floor plan, finishes, functionality,extras, aesthetic appeal, fixtures, fans,renovations and  updates. They jotted down numbers… and made sketches.  They noted floor coverings, condition, paint scuffs, green features (or lack there-of).  Attic access. Cleanliness. Age of roof and number of ACs and the ages,  heater functionality, kitchen flow, functionality  of  cupboards and drawers, alarm,  a checklist of appliances, sprinklers, lighting, pool and pool equipment, shutters, traffic, condition of the driveway, privacy issues…. anything they could observe and jot down. They drew surprisingly accurate diagrams of the internal layout.     

Few rocks went unturned.  After they compared notes, and properties, they paired down their list quickly and decisively.  They asked for  comps.   They wanted  current market values of every house in the neighborhood (by address and by owner), current resale values, taxes on each property up one side of the street and down the other…( for blocks).  No, they didn’t  buy on impulse. 

They chose based on value,  location,  condition, and market… methodically evaluating everything of importance. We put together an offer using  a fine toothed comb.  Comps in hand…  market value established… we negotiated a contract. Insurance hurdles,  loan applications, shutter permits, impact glass estimates, measurements, inspections,contractors, title defects, permits to close out,utilities ordered….    landscapers, pool service… They closed, keys in hand!

As I write, floors are being refinished, walls painted, windows replaced… interior decorators  busy at work,  and all I have to do now is wave in the moving trucks.  Can’t wait to see the end result!’

If you’re looking for an experienced real estate professional, I’ll be more than happy to assist  you.  Whether you are buying or selling, please give me a call …   I can help…  The Restivo Team /EWM Realtors, Miami.

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