Make dinner fun! The price of your dinner in a handful of Miami restaurants depends on what time you place your order! Order between 5-7 pm and your meal costs the same as the time the order was placed! Order at 5:37pm and that dinner is $5.37. Wait until after 7:00pm though, and you’ll pay the regular price of $12 -$15. Drawing customers in before the rush is key… and smart marketing. An empty table is lost revenue, so why not capitalize on unconventional dining times? Offering incentives between 5pm -7pm, specialty items are rung-up at the cash register according to the time the order was placed.
Blu’ Pizza e Cucina in Mary Brickell Village offers this … every single day (both in the restaurant and on delivery!). Blu’ Pizzeria in South Miami offers the same 5-7pm pricing incentives for dining in. Spris on Lincoln Road in Miami Beach has also jumped on the band wagon! Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember ‘early bird specials’. .. though I don’t recall ever taking advantage of them. This new pricing module just kicks it up a notch! Racing to place your order, and have $5.23 on the bill as opposed to $6.56 is just plain entertaining … and dinner should be fun! Wait five minutes longer and you’ll see $15.00 on your bill instead! (Still, $15 isn’t a bad price even at full price … and each of these restaurants are, in my opinion, well worth every penny of their full price menu!). Outdoor dining spots are trendy, especially in Miami. Each of these three restaurants offer outdoor tables and umbrellas, and some interesting people watching. The “piazza” (courtyard plaza) in Mary Brickell Village is charming.
We stumbled across this 5-7 pm special a couple of weekends back, at Blu’ in Mary Brickell Village… by shear chance… stopping for a late lunch with our kids. We LOVE outdoor dining spots… even in August (in Miami!). Had we eaten at 8pm, we all would have ordered a single meal. But because of the ‘intrigue’ with the special offers, the boys each ordered multiple meals. A tasting extravaganza… to say the least! Buon appetito! MiamiRealEstateCafe … for Miami Restaurant and Dining Experiences… and for All Your Real Estate Needs… Selling Miami Better, Faster, Smarter! … Contact The Restivo Team: EWM Realtors… Vicki and Alexandra Restivo 305 793-1365