(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

It’s All in a Handshake … Buyer Seller Congrats!

June 7, 2013

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Our wonderful sellers are off to their dream life in Costa Rica …  to enjoy the outdoors …  surf … and enjoy the carefree lifestyle they’ve been dreaming of.

They just SOLD their house, and handed over the keys to the new owners.

This photo was taken weeks ago.  The sellers emailed it to me  ….  minutes after I pulled out of the driveway,  following the  home inspections.  I haven’t seen a photo-op like this before:  Buyer and seller shaking hands at end of the inspections …

buyer seller handshake

It’s nice when  buyers and sellers can ‘connect’  before the actual closing date.

Buying and selling a house  isn’t  JUST a business transaction …

It’s VERY personal and  it’s sometimes emotional.

The seller is leaving with memories  as they close the door .  The buyer is opening the door to something new and unknown …  full of hopes and expectations.

I love this photo …

Thank you Beth, Facundo  and Lala  …  Selling your house was such an immense pleasure for me as your Realtor.  I’ve enjoyed every minute with your beautiful family  … loved working with you  and getting to know you … and  I wish you every happiness in the world.

Congratulations to you Sherrie, Roberto and Rio …   This unique and special house  is officially  your  “home”.    All my very best to you!

Wishing both families incredible happiness.  My warmest congratulations again.

Warmly, Vicki Restivo   and Alexandra Hechtman

EWM Realty   305 793-1365  restivo.v@ewm.com


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