(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Italian Condo Buyers: Eye on Brickell!

December 4, 2009

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Brickell Condominium 

Italian buyer-clients,  returning to Miami  on vacation next week, will settle in to their posh Brickell vacation home … a  two bedroom condominium towering over Biscayne Bay, for the first time since closing.  After a month of interior decorators and design experts, electronic blind and custom drapery installations,  marble installation covering their terrace overlooking  Miami’s waterfront … they are coming  ‘home’ to Miami not to shop for property, but to enjoy the one they just bought.

Brickell has a particular appeal to the European buyer, Italians in particular. What’s not to like?   Beaches are close by. Transportation to and from Miami International Airport is a breeze. Shopping and dining are everywhere you turn. And the buildings (with their amenities, luxurious pools, outdoor spaces  and views) are to die for.

For the prices and the location, Miami is  certainly a great place to buy!  If you would like  to buy a condo on Brickell, please give me a call at 305 793-1365 or send me a note here.

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