(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Inventory Drops as Home Sales Rise in South Florida – Zip Code 33176

October 25, 2009

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Since the start of 2009, inventory of residential homes has dropped steadily. There are fewer homes on the market, and more homes are selling. The number of home sales has tripled since the start of the year in Miami’s zip code 33176… and the number of available homes has dropped notably. Low interest rates certainly don’t hurt!
[tomatoframe width=”700″ height=”900″]http://post2web.trendgraphix.com/Post2Web.asp?Lev1=ewmr&Chart=/MIA/charts/3176-01-01-0129-1-38-1B-9&Uid=fxn`bhu[/tomatoframe]

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