(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

International Buyers Eyeing Miami

July 31, 2012

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

We were in Key West for a few days earlier this summer, and I was struck by the number of  different languages we overheard,  just strolling the length of  Duval Street …  Most were international visitors/ tourists but some were ‘International Locals’  who lived elsewhere in Florida and were vacationing in Key West.  Florida is home to increasing numbers of international residents  –  from almost every corner of the globe.  In trying to count the different languages we heard, and given the fact that we couldn’t pinpoint each and every one of them,  we came up with 15 as our ‘guesstimate’.

According to the Miami Association of Realtors  $82 billion dollars in residential property  that was sold in 2011 in the United States was purchased by  international buyers –   either as investment property, or for use as  a first or second home/vacation property.   And 25% of all real estate transactions that took place in Florida in 2011  involved foreigners … with the vast majority of those purchases  ALL being cash purchases.

If you are considering buying or selling property in Miami or elsewhere, and looking for a knowlegeable local real estate agent,  we invite you to contact us … We would love to work with you!   The Restivo Team at EWM Realtors   –  Vicki & Alexandra Restivo  restivo.v@ewm.com 305 793-1365


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