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How Victoria’s Secret Can Sell Your House

January 26, 2009

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

The Fontainebleau Hotel just recently UNVEILED itself… under the scrutiny of ABC and CBS ….national television… and a packed house.  A miriad of stunning Victoria’s Secret lingerie models flaunted their stuff on the runway… Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio and 32 other supermodels.  Miami Beach was host city for the  2008 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show… With Usher performing, and lingerie the theme at the Fontainebleau….electricity was palpable.  The message was clear :  Less can be WAY more.  Granted, you definitely need the basics, but that, along with a hood of mystery, a touch of intrigue,  and some eye-catching ‘pop’ makes for phenomenal success. 

What made Miami’s Fontainebleau Unveiling the super  hot ticket that it was?   And how can you capture that magic, and use it to sell your house (or any house for that matter)?  Well, Victoria’s Secret helps!  Start with the basics… good bones and  bare essentials.  Strip away the extraneous. Get rid of any unnecessary outer layers (the ones no one wants to see anyway).   Scrub, polish and buff.   Captivate the senses… and create a sense of excitement.  A fresh coat of paint is great… but get rid of the clutter. 

So, you ask:  “How exactly can Victoria’s Secret sell My house?”   Remove everything that can hinder a buyer’s creative juices.   Leave wiggle room for imagination:  Your buyer’s imagination.  Without stripping the house bare naked,  strip away a lot.  (Get rid of more than you’d be inclined to… without going totally overboard!)   A vacant house does absolutely nothing for the imagination and will actually put the brakes on creative juices.  Show off the curves and angles.  Clearly define areas you want  highlighted.  Make the experience memorable and make it fun.  Make it appeal to the masses.  Add some flashy eye-candy and set your buyer’s imagination free.  Your buyer needs freedom to visualize…  and to create.  Provide the canvass.  Provide the palette.  Give your buyer the brush…  and some room to dream.    

Written by Vicki Restivo,  Luxury Real Estate Consultant with EWM Realtors,Inc.

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