(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

TIPS on Registering for Public School in Miami-Dade

June 18, 2010

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

 register for school


There is no cut off date for registering your child for public school. (However I recommend registering early, despite that!). Here are some tips for registering …  Proof of residency …

Required Documents for Students Registering for the FIRST TIME:

*Original Birth Certificate

*Proof of age and legal name

*Proof of current physical examination and immunization certificate (and tuberculosis test)

*Two proofs of current address (Lease/Deed/Closing Statement/Utility Bill)

*Parent ID (driver’s license/passport)

Transfer Students from other districts:

*Transcripts/report cards/and records from whichever school they are transfering from.

Foreign Students and Permanent Resident Aliens:

* The procedure is identical to those mentioned above.

Age Requirements:

*On or before September 1,  your child must be 4 years old to attend prekindergarten,  5 years old to attend kindergarten, and 6 years old to attend 1st grade.

If you are new to the area, or relocating and moving from another school district you can access the MiamiDade Public School website and determine which school your child will be attending through this link  or by call 305 883-5651 with specific questions.

As always, if you’d like the help of a top local Realtor, please give me a call anytime.



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