(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Home vs House … Two different things!

March 11, 2013

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

A buyer will buy your home if he/she can envision him/herself living there….  (so make it easy)

How we live in a home and how we sell a house aren’t the same. 

House vs. Home …  different ‘concept’ and ‘feel’.

Home is how we live

Trinkets, collections, family photos …  our ‘clutter’ …    defines who we are.

Kitchen counters (with toaster, blender, small appliances, cookie jar,  basket of breads, knife rack readily available) simplifies our everyday life.

Our pets with their toys and water bowls … our newspapers stacked on the kitchen chair … our laundry basket piled with ironing …  That’s how we live … and we’re happy… because that’s home.

House is what we move from:

And when you’re selling, you want to hide all that  …  Remove whatever ‘stuff’  might distract buyers from seeing the house as their own, and imagining themselves living there.

Make it feel more like a hotel room (stage it) :  Clear off the counters … Remove the family photographs and inspirational decorative quotes…  Hide  laundry baskets … pet bowls.  Clean out the closets…  organize the bookshelves …   Your laptop and piles of mail on the dining room table – put that somewhere less visible…  Get rid of whatever clutter … and make sure there are no unpleasant scents  (food/pet/musty or mildewy odors).   Prospective buyers who have less to ‘sift through’ visually have an easier time imagining themselves and their belongings there … and will be more likely to make an offer.

Considering listing your house for sale?   We would love to help you list and sell!   The Restivo Team … Vicki & Alexandra … EWM Realtors   Call us any time …  305 793-1365 restivo.v@ewm.com    …   Visit our website and real estate blog for more information on Miami neighborhoods … real estate advice … pointers for buyers and sellers   MiamiRealEstateCafe.com  …  We’d love to work with you!







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