(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Home-buying: A multi-sensory experience

September 7, 2011

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M


Buyers react viscerally  to sights, smells and sensations.  The right first impressions often can (and do) sell a house.

Imperceptably, buyers will react positively toward the smell of jasmine by the front door, freshly baked cookies, birds chirping in the trees, crisp linens… or a very subtle candle scent. 

Lingering cooking odors,  musty odors,  pet smells, clorox or amonia,  heavy air fresheners and insence may be interpreted as being there to mask other odors, and more often than not  fall into the negative category. 

Seeing your own home through the eyes of a prospective buyer can be a challenge for many sellers.  Have a friend or neighbor (or your Realtor) offer a fresh perspective.

And, anytime you are in the market to buy or sell real estate,  contact the Restivo Team at EWM Realtors :  Vicki and Alexandra  305 793-1365 or restivo.v@ewm.com.

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