(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Four Secrets to Selling Your House Fast … If You DARE!

January 26, 2010

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M


“Staging” is a household word these days… BUT HONESTLY… getting your house ready-to-sell does NOT necessarily require staging. 

D…A…R…E         (to try!)

Declutter…  Clear off countertops (kitchen and bath).  Hide the applianaces (toaster oven/ blender/mixer) Box up books and photos. Minimize the amount of ‘stuff’ on open shelves. Then move on:

Arrange …  In groups of threes … three candles … three rolled towells… three pillows.  There’s something about an odd number that appeals and creates visual intrigue.  Less is often better.  When in doubt, remove, rather than adding.

Refresh…  Sponges and spit polish!  “Freshen Up… Start by cleaning, really cleaning… windows, walls, cabinets, light fixtures.  Remove dated window treatments or blinds… Touch up the paint.

Evoke a sense of welcome… through the sense of smell.  Candles… plug-ins … freshly brewed coffee or cookies … Something subtle and inviting!

When you’re ready to move …   MiamiRealEstateCafe  … EsslingerWootenMaxwell Realtors and the Restivo Team…. Call us.   

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