If you FAN something on Facebook, FB can use pictures from your collection to promote that across your network, on friends’ facebook pages. If you don’t want this, you do have some control over it, although they don’t make it easy. You can turn off the features for both Facebook and third-party ads: Go to ‘settings’ (located at the top right of your page near the logout link)… Click on ‘manage” for the privacy category of your settings. Then click on the ‘news feed and wall”. By clicking on the tab for ‘facebook ads’ (you’ll find a couple of tabs on the page), you can turn each off separately (one is for a third party ad – located up at the top) and (the other is for a Facebook ad – located at the bottom).
Facebook has also unveiled a new layout. The new features include a row of recently tagged photos (so users can see what their friends have been up to), users may highlight interests and how they spend their time, while also highlighting their friends and family. You can also “See Friendship,” where it highlights your connection with each friend on facebook. It’s an update that’s being gradually put in place, but the company says they will have everyone switched over by early next year. You may manually switch over, or wait for facebook to change it for you. See what you think.