(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Tech Savvy Shopping … Why Home-buyers Still Use a Realtor!

March 24, 2011

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

keep an eye outBuyers are tech savvy and they are becoming increasingly autosufficient.  Over  90% of all homebuyers spend time researching online … scouring for information … looking at listings … checking out neighborhoods.   

Increasingly more home-buyers look to  Trulia, Realtor.com, Zillow, EWM.com and to the blog and website  MiamiRealEstateCafe.com …   and while they may FIND the house they’ll ultimately buy themselves online … by  scouring the Internet…. the vast majority have a Realtor.  What for?   So they can actually  the house they want.  From running comps,  providing  pricing information and market value,   guidance,  drafting  offers and negotiating  terms , overseeing the process and making sure the whole thing actually closes … that’s where YOUR uber local Realtor comes in handy… but there’s more to it than that.  Most homebuyers today rely on their real estate agent to do  a lot more than just find them a home.

As you’re looking for a home, you may do some (or a good sized portion) of the legwork yourself:  researching neighborhoods, schools,  looking through property listings online,  going to open houses.   You may be already be intimately familiar with Terrafly and Google search and can hover over a neighborhood with your mouse,  have  a  360 degree bird’s eye views of homes and streets and neighboring properties   … zoom in and whip around.    And of course there are phone apps that will give you information on properties as you drive  the  neighborhoods.   And your agent can set you up with automatic search results,  whenever new listings come on the market, or anytime there are “price adjustments”.  Your Realtor can tell you about  foreclosures and short sales… and the list goes on.

And,  as more and more home-buyers are researching and looking for homes online, themselves….  many of them are actually finding their own homes … online.   Those who have the tech savvy agent have a definite edge over those fending for themselves. 

Sophisticated buyers  rely on their own local real estate expert  for everything from  arranging  to see property, running comps,  preparing and negotiating  offers, suggesting the  purchase price and having a strategy for solidifying the transaction, running and analyzing relevant comparable sales, handling contract negotiations, overseeing inspections, navigating that pesky due diligence period,  being there for the appraisal and turning the world upside down if or when that  appraisal comes in crazy low ( risking pushing the transaction  tight over the edge otherwise!) …  keeping an eye on the loan process …  and getting everyone through the landmines of inevitable hiccups … ( holding all those living, breathing, moving pieces together so you not only get  to the closing table but walk away with keys in hand ).  You hire a top agent not only to get you the house you want,and for the best terms and price possible, but you hire them to keep all those tiny little ducks in a row and keep the transaction from going sour.  Your Realtor is your front line buffer …  and  problem solver.  

If you’re considering buying or selling real estate in South Florida,  and are looking for an experienced Miami Real Estate Agent to assist you, contact the Restivo Team at EWM Realtors by email:  restivo.v@ewm.com  … or call us any time at either  305 793-1365 or 305 632-0164.  We look forward to working with you …  and handing you your keys!

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