(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Doggie Day Camp in Miami … The Yellow Doggie Bus

October 19, 2011

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

I was driving by Pinecrest Gardens the other evening … and noticed a yellow  ‘school’  bus next to me, with really excited barking coming from inside.   

At the windows were  a dozen (or so) faces of dogs … all different kinds… all  happy, panting pups …  with waggy tails .  

The dogs were on their way home from a day a doggie day camp…     

The  bus pulled over and stopped at  the side of the road by Pinecrest Gardens, which was ‘pick-up point’ …   The driver  handed out treats to each of  her  ‘passengers’  and waited for the owners to drive up …    She chatted  with the pets and then the owners …  It was fun to watch.

We’re often asked for recommendations as to pet sitters, kennels, dog parks, veterinarians … So, here’s one more Miami secret to share …  “Doggie Day Care” ! 

www.TotallyDog.com    Doggie Day Care …  A yellow doggie bus  for dogs only …    Miami pets get the royal treatment!

If you or someone you know are moving to Miami with pets,  we would love to help you relocate here.  We specialize in Miami …  and we specialize in real estate here.  The Restivo Team at EWM Realtors.  Our direct line is 305 793-1365   …  and  you can always contact us here  and/or via email at restivo.v@ewm.com


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