(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Congrats to you both …. Enjoy your very first home!

November 18, 2012

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M


Buying a first home is a HUGE milestone  … and it was such fun to be part of YOUR first home-buying experience!    WHAT A BEAUTIFUL new home you have …  I’m thinking about all the memories you’re going to have in that new house ….   and I loved seeing your posts on Facebook today about it

I’m realizing just how fast you found your dream home, and closed on it, and moved in.    You found it in literally just a week, and not even one month later, it’s  yours.  That was really fast!   Congratulations on surviving (so graciously!)  the roller-coaster experience of buying your first home …  You got through all the  ups and downs, and never missed a beat (and …  never stopped smiling!).


You breezed right through those negotiations, pushed away whatever  fleeting twinges of buyers remorse you may have had (or  maybe you never really never had any!  Most buyers have a moment or two of second-guessing… but it’s entirely possible that you skipped that step entirely.).   You got through the  loan process,  insurance paperwork,  inspection hurdles … appraisal concerns …  the walk through … and you closed …  and moved in.  Congrats!

It was fun to watch you  as it  got closer and closer to closing ….  Thank you for allowing me be part of that.   You have so much to look forward to …  In a few months you’ll have your baby…  this week  you’re hosting Thanksgiving and have a house full of  guests (and boxes to unpack!) …

You said it was too much of a ‘hot mess’ over there right now to post pictures, so I thought I’d post a few for you to share.

It’s so exciting,  buying a new home, especially your first …   I remember buying mine.  And I felt that way all over again on Friday … watching you.    Thank you again for the smiles and for sharing your joy with me (and with everyone else involved) … It was fun hearing you talk as we walked through the house before closing …  hearing you  plans and your life-to be …. And at closing,  your joy was palpable as you realized that that stack of papers that needed to be  signed  was getting get smaller and smaller …   Your smiles said it all.

CONGRATULATIONS !!!   Working with you was  fun.   So many memories  ….   Enjoy your new home!    YOU ARE  OFFICIAL NOW  …. FIRST TIME HOME OWNERS !!!

MiamiRealEstateCafe.com    Vicki and Alexandra Restivo, Miami Real Estate Blog   restivo.v@ewm.com

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