(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Brickell Key … Just over the Bridge from Miami

January 4, 2010

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

 Brickell Key Florida

Key (or an island) … Brickell Key is just across the bridge from Miami… well before Miami Beach.  With 256 condos for sale currently on the island, and a variety of well established and newer construction condo buildings to choose from, the median price is currently $547, 000   with pricing running from $120,000 to $9 million on this tiny triangle of land surrounded by acquamarine water. 

There are a a handful of condo buildings built from 1982 onward, with varying amenities and styles.  Asia is one of the newest to pop up, with pricing running from $850K to $9 million.  Brickell Key One, built in 1982, is one of the more established of Brickell Key’s condo buildings,  priced between $169K and $1,195 million.  The Courts runs from $230 to $890. Carbonell  $364K to $2.7 million.  Couvousier $175 -$995. ISOLA $120- $889 (built in ’90) One Tequesta $475-$799 (built in ’95). St Louis ($295 -$455) built in ’95. Tequesta One,Two,Three $325 – $2.6 ( built in ’01).

Looking for a condo on Brickell Key?   Call the Restivo Team.  We can definitely help!

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