(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com


January 24, 2013

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Apply For Your Miami Dade Homestead Exemption …  Online

If you bought property in 2012, you have up through March 1, 2013 to apply for your Homestead Exemption. The benefits of applying for Homestead Exemption are:

1) It will cap (limit) property tax increases on your property in subsequent years, and

2)  It will reduce your assessed value of your property by $50,000.00 – giving you a tax savings .

Miami-Dade Homeowners can now complete the application process for Florida’s Homestead
Exemption as well as for the Homestead Assessment Difference (also know as “Portability”) entirely online (rather than in person).

The Homestead Exemption (HEX) provides you with a $50,000 reduction in the assessed value of your primary residence, reducing your annual property taxes AND capping off any subsequent annual tax increases. When applying, you can make your exemption  automatically renewable for subsequent years… so you won’t have to repeat the process.

Portability  means that you can transfer all or part of your Homestead Exemption Savings from one property to another (when you sell your primary residence and purchase another).

As a homeowner, you can now complete and submit your homestead application online  https://www.miamidade.gov/PaPortal/AutoOnlineFile/ExemptionOnlineMainMenu.aspx   directly with the Property Appraiser’s Office.

 Applications for 2013 property tax exemptions are due by March 1,  2013

 For more information, contact the Property Appraiser’s Office at (305) 375-4789 or (305) 607-6905

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