(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Miami Spice – August & September 2012 Tropical Fusion Epicurian Experience

August 1, 2012

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

Miami Spice starts today   … It runs from the first day of August through the last day of September …  There are some fabulous restaurants participating this year… each of them offer unique signature dishes ….  melanges of tropical fusion and epicurian creativity – as nowhere but Miami could!   Each restaurant has various  prix fixe menus of three-course-meals prepared by world-reknown chefs  (lunches: $19 or $23 … dinners: $33 or $39).

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every single restaurant we  tried during Miami Spice –  over the past many summers.  (And we had our favorites!)  Part of what makes Miami Spice  fun is just getting to try  new and different restaurants … every one of which offers a selection of truly signature creations for  a fraction of their “normal”  pricing.  The Miami Spice ‘concept’ may have sprung from the idea of boosting occupancy during the typically slower summer months …   But many of the restaurants that signed up for Miami Spice in years past  found it to be a sufficient boon to business to warrant continuing their Miami Spice ‘status’  even after that September 30th cut off.

Votes as to favorite restaurants and favorite dishes?   Love to hear yours!

Thank you for following our MiamiRealEstateCafe.com blog …   We love sharing our thoughts about Miami with you … especially the “just for fun category” !  The Restivo Team at EWM Realtors.  restivo.v@ewm.com  305 793-1365   … Your Miami Real Estate Experts.


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