(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com
September 28, 2016

P R O P E R T Y   S E A R C H

R E S T I V O – H E C H T M A N    T E A M

No matter how beautifully staged and photographed your house is, buyers will be off-put by “odors”.   Here’s how to avoid that turn-off.

These tips can eliminate bad odors before your open houses or showing appointments (THEY REALLY DO WORK!):

1. Paint fumes?    Cut an onion in half,  place each peeled half on opposite ends of the room before painting.  Once the onion absorbs the odors, just toss it out.

2. Pet odors?   Spray an enzyme on the stains, and let it soak into the rug/underlay/and floor.  After an hour, absorb it up using microfiber towels.  If that doesn’t work, remove the rug or carpet, or change that section of flooring.

odor-blog-post-pic3. Lingering cooking smells?   Turn on the ventilator hood before you start cooking.  (… a “fresh linen candle” is one of my favorite odor eaters, too).  Close whatever doors you can (to the rest of the house while you’re cooking), in order to contain the cooking odors.   AND HERE IS THE BEST TIP:   Fill a shallow dish with white wine vinegar and coffee grinds (and leave it on the countertop overnight).  It will absorb all sorts of cooking smells.  (I tried this after pan frying fresh fish yesterday …. It really does WORK!)

4.  Last night’s dinner?   Remove the trash bag.  Open the windows.  Turn up the AC & crank the fans.  (And spray the trash receptacle with Febreeze)

5.  Garbage disposal smelling funky?   Put a couple lemon (lime or orange) slices into the disposal, add ice, white vinegar or mouthwash. Turn on the faucet, and grind away. (Tried and true!)

6.  Bathroom needing freshening up?  White wine vinegar in the toilet bowl  (works wonders) … and  a little bit of Pine Sol poured into the toilet-bowl-brush-base will work too.

Contemplating moving or selling or staging your house?  Call us!  The Restivo Hechtman Team Sells Miami ….   Vicki Restivo 305 793-1365 or  Alexandra Hechtman 305 632-0164   EWM Realty International

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