In talking with Code Enforcement last week , I learned that there are currently close to 150 properties in The Village of Pinecrest in pre-foreclosure. There are so many homeowners underwater: abandoning their property/ looking to short sale their homes/filing for bankruptcy/or the “soon-to-be” REO listings … about to be foreclosed on)
Code Enforcement keeps tabs on distressed (or abandoned) properties, communicating with the lenders involved, in an effort to maintain curb appeal and neighboring property values.
As the weeds grow and curb appeal slides, you may notice posted signage on homes needing “upkeep or maintenance” … as you’re driving or biking the neighborhoods. Those notices are from code enforcement, asking home-owner to cut the grass (with penalties/time frames/ and fines for non-compliance).
What I didn’t know until last week is that it can take months before Village of Pinecrest sends lawn-service over to mow. It’s apparently rather a fine line: By jumping in too fast to correct curb appeal issues (in the case of abandoned property) lenders may have a lesser sense of urgency to jump in themselves. The Village of Pinecrest will hold off for weeks after initially posting a compliance notice, before they send out a lawn-service company… but they don’t frown on neighbors taking over…
There are a number of distressed properties in Pinecrest …. pre-foreclosure, bankruptcy, and foreclosure…. and a number of good samaritans out there (neighbors) cutting the lawns to keep up the neighborhoods. Thanks from those of us who live and work and sell real estate in this BEAUTIFUL town!
If you’re considering buying or selling property in Pinecrest, we would be more than happy to assist you! Contact us anytime at or at 305 793-1365. The Restivo Team.