(305) 793-1365 restivomiami@gmail.com

Homeowner Equity on the Rise

Many homeowners across the nation have been underwater in their mortgage. In fact, 10.7 million of them owe at least 25%  more than their properties are worth, according to Realty Trac’s US Home Equity & Underwater Rpoert for 2013. Still, 8.3 million...

Remembering 9/11

It’s been 12 years since America experienced the worst tragedy of our time, and I will never forget that day. I was in my high school Italian class here in Miami when we heard the news and I’ll never forget the feeling of shock, sadness and utter...

Miami Rental Market on the Rise

With a  limited number of homes for sale and a lot of demand for those homes, the rental market in Miami has risen. According to a study by the National Housing Conference and the Center for Housing Policy, rental rates are rising, sometimes exceeding the cost of a...

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